In the Body of Christ, there exists a wonderful variety of ministries, which are especially evident when we gather at Mass. By virtue of our Baptism in Christ, some of us are called to serve as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion or Lectors.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at Mass are laypeople trained to assist the presiding priest in distributing Holy Communion during Sunday and weekday liturgies. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for the Sick are laypeople sent by the parish to bring the Word of God and the Eucharist to parishioners who are ill, homebound, in nursing homes, or in local care facilities.
This is a ministry of both invitation and challenge, for when Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion distribute from the plate or cup into the outstretched hands of the assembly, they not only invite the assembly to receive the body and blood of Christ, but they challenge the assembly to become Him as well.
The Lector proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ during the Liturgy of the Word, making God present to the gathered worshiping community. Through the Lector's proclamation, the Word of God is alive with power, achieving the sanctification of those to whom it is proclaimed and giving glory to God whose creative Word brought all good things into being.
Serving as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion or a Lector is both an honor and a responsibility, and those who commit to it deserve proper training. Training is provided by the Archdiocese of San Francisco's Office of Worship. The next training session will be on October 19th and 26th, 2019. CLICK FOR TRAINING INFORMATIONAL FLYER. You must attend both days of training to become certified.
Our Parish needs more people willing to serve in this Ministry and hope you will prayerfully consider this invitation. Flyers are also available in the Church.
Contact the Rectory if you have any questions and to register for the training.