If you wish to sign up for a regular hour of adoration, simply click on this button: ADORATION PRO then click on: “WEEKLY COMMITMENT” Scroll to a day and an hour of your choice, click “sign up,” and fill out the simple form. Follow the instructions, and review the policy for finding a substitute when necessary to miss your hour of adoration. It’s that easy.
Location of the Mary and Joseph Adoration Chapel The Adoration Chapel is located in the vestibule of the church. Our Lady of Loretto Church is located at 1800 Novato Blvd (at Grant), in Novato.
Safety and Security The Mary and Joseph Adoration chapel is open 24/7. Please come and pray!
During the late-night and early morning hours, the chapel is accessed by a special system that is provided only to adorers who are enrolled and signed up for a regular hour or more of adoration.