We are excited to announce that we are starting a new Bible Study program here at Our Lady of Loretto Church. The program we will follow is from Little Rock Scripture Study. Little Rock Scripture study is an internationally recognized program of Liturgical Press that is committed to providing Catholic Bible Study materials and experience to help adults encounter Christ in Scripture. We will be studying a series of Books from the Bible. Our first book of study will be “An Introduction to the Bible” which consist of 4-7 weeks lessons. Our second book of study will be “Panorama of the Old Testament”. We will then dive into the Gospels.
If you want to learn more about scripture, hear God speak to you and transform your life, join us in small group Bible Study sessions.
It can be a rewarding experience as it helps us to grow spiritually by engaging in meaningful conversations about the Scriptures. Come join us! All are welcome!
If you are interested in leading a small group study in conversation, please contact Mara Lisa Barnes.
For information on this program, contact Mara Lisa Barnes:
maralisa@ollnovato.org 415-897-2171